Labor Relations
CIL SMACNA provides labor relations and collective bargaining services with SMART Local 1 on behalf of the contractor members by representing the employers through a multi-employer bargaining group.
Through the collective bargaining process, CIL SMACNA addresses many critical human resource issues as well, including programs for health and pension benefits, and excellent apprentice and journeyman training.
CIL SMACNA also provides representation and advice to its employers in grievance and arbitration matters.

Industry Information & Data
As a member of the chapter, you have access to the full menu of SMACNA National’s products and services, often at a discounted rate.
Additionally, CIL SMACNA maintains current and historical records of local work hours and other market trends and related information.
Taft-Hartley Fund Representation
The proper management of union health and welfare, pension and training funds are of paramount importance to both employees and employers. Such funds fall under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act and are required to be jointly trusted by both union and employer representatives. The association ensures that qualified employer trustees serve and report on the status of funds to which our members contribute.
Networking & Social Events
By participating in chapter activities, you will gain valuable knowledge of trends and current issues effecting your business, as well as establish relationships with your peers.
Consider the information that you are missing by NOT participating!
Access to SMACNA National Resources
Your CIL SMACNA membership automatically gives you membership in the Sheet Metal,Air Condtioning Contractors National Association.
SMACNA members enjoy access to an incredible amount of resources to help your business.